-New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Author-
Heather Jensen
Countdown to Fangs And Fame

Immortals And Melodies
(Blood And Guitars #2)
Catalyst frontman Trey is no stranger to chaos, but even the life of a rock star couldn't prepare him for the consequences of loving a vampire. Trey's life is in danger; threatened by the very group he must join to stay alive. His struggle to continue his career and release a new album with the band is marred by events that force him to ask a powerful Synod Elder for help.
Aurora has to keep Trey alive until she can make him a vampire, but her own kind will stop at nothing to prevent it. The head of the Emissary is having her followed, and if she can't figure out who is behind the violent attacks, Trey might not make it to the full moon. As Aurora battles her own kind, she's also plagued by the risk she's taking by changing Trey. Will her moon-given power be enough to carry Trey through the change, or will he be left floating in the wake of destruction?

Jensen brings the two-story arc to an effective conclusion, while masterfully setting the stage for the next chapter in Aurora's tale. "Immortals And Melodies" is another outstanding read that I recommend to YA, NA, and adult paranormal romance fans.
Thomas Winship (Author of Vaempires)
Heather Jensen has risen to the challenge and created a sequel that has even more action, romance and suspense than the first.... I love the music element of the book as it is part of what makes it unique. This is a lovely sequel to a great first book ... Heather is most certainly a leading author in her genre. I have loved both books so far and now I am very excited for book 3, "Fangs and Fame."
Readers Favorite
IMMORTALS AND MELODIES is way more than a paranormal romance... I loved BLOOD AND GUITARS and Heather topped it to the enth with this.
Book Chippie